They are, however, still the best looking bits of Battlefront II, as illustrated by my X-Wing foolishly going to battle with an Imperial Fleet up top, plus it's still fun to land an A-Wing in a Star Destroyer hangar and blow their systems up from the inside, even though that never happened in the films ever. As we noted in our review at the time, X-Wing this ain't, as players spin round in circles trying to lock each other in their sights amidst a fleet of larger vessels. Space battles are slightly more refined to control, but even more throwaway. There's not a single Star Wars fan alive today who wouldn't find the sight of Yoda doing a quadruple jump and accompanying flying animation to be quite funny.

The introduction of playable Jedis and other hero characters as killstreak rewards represented the next natural creative step for the series, but Pandemic made a mess of their implementation. They also toned down the jetpack-powered Dark Trooper from the first game, too, but where balance issues were hammered out in some areas, other equally problematic ones found their way in. What it means is that 2005's Battlefront II is still somehow the best way of having large-scale Star Wars multiplayer battles on land (not so much in space), but despite that merit it's been outstripped by most modern class-based multiplayer shooters.Īrriving just over a year after the original Battlefront, Battlefront II added new classes to the original's straightforward soldier-heavy-sniper focus, notably the overpowered fire-spewing menace that is the Bothan Spy (I don't recall Mon Mothma mentioning invisibility cloaks and flamethrowers when remarking that many of them died to bring the Rebels information, but as I'll get into, it's far from the daftest off-brand offence in Battlefront II). Lucasarts' changes in management, Free Radical's collapse and EA's purchase of Pandemic probably didn't help matters, even if DICE's version is at least in production now. There's been some serious money left on the table with Star Wars: Battlefront III's ongoing non-existence in the last ten years.